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411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Nelson Adams

Made in the USA, Nelson Adams offers many different types of tables.  Contact us to discuss your needs.  We can also supply you with replacement parts if needed. 

In-Wall Tables and Benches

Our in-walls tables & benches provide the most efficient use of space in a cafeteria or multi-purpose room setting, allowing you to customize multiple units that can be store up to 4 tables & 8 benches with configurations that allow you to provide wheelchair accessibility throughout your room. Nelson Adams now provides two kinds of in-walls tables & benches configurations, allowing you to either locate the pockets within your wall or along the surface of your wall.

Mobile Tables

Nelson Adams allow you to customize your table with a variety of laminates that change the environment of your room, whether they're laid our ready to be used or folded up for storage your table will different from the original plain cafeteria tables. Tables can be customized to be wheel chair accessible upon request.

Round Tables

When choosing from our table selection, you have the option to choose from the standard bench, individual stool seating or a combination of bench and stool. Two wheel chair accessible models are available that provide access for two wheel chair users along with seating for six. When it comes time to move or store, the storage latch keeps the tables secured in the upright position.